old photos n memories

Muaz grading session at Kuantan Parade in 2004 Opah n the sisters
New shoes before travelling to KL...by plane the first time...;) 2004

Munirah first day at tadika 2004

Sarah first day at Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Irsyad Kuantan 2004

2004 - First day at Irsyad

Kakak's sport day 2003 tadika

Muaz sports day at Aqfa integrated Islamic school Kuantan 2003

Open day at TUDM kuantan 2003

My student..Kuliyyah of Medicine 2004..now all are housemen somewhere in Malaysia...Congrats

TUDM open day 2003

Zoo Taiping 2003 with opah...


Anonymous said…
I'm anisah.
Which one is better for your child.irsyad or integrated school.hope can reply via my email ummihumairasafiyya@gmail.com

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