Radiologist listening some advice from mami jarum...opps tini, jangan mare k..nanti I pi adelaide nak tumpang rumah tini bole ye

Patho expert from Seremban

Mat Le & Team

Muar's oral surgeon & the rich GP ;)

2 dental expert exchanging news + Rozi Jr


Alhamdullilah...akhirnya pada 18 october lalu dapatlah MATES II bertemu kembali setelah hampir 14 tahun meninggalkan bumi Adelaide. Thank You very much kepada pakcik Isa..ayah Liza yang bermurah hati membenarkan MATES ii bertemu dirumahnya. Nampak gayanya semua ahli MATES berminat nak bertemu cuma tiada inisiatif. Alhamdullilah kali ni Tini memulakan ball rolling. A few weeks before she came back to Malaysia for hari raya she said that she wish to meet the mates. From there we liased with Zubir in bangi. And fahrul came to the rescue to be the organiser. Initially we thought of having a dinner somewhere near Ampang but at last we held the reunion at liza and zubir's place. Due to the pack schedule that day plus bad traffic jam we managed to be at liza's place only after maghrib...and..masyaAllah riuh rendah bila jumpa gang....

So there were Tini + Budin and the 5 boys, Achik/hubby + 3 kids, Liza/Zubir+2, K long/Boone +2, Wan/hubby+2, As/hubby + 2.5, Rozi/hubby+1, Ana sujak/hubby+2, Matlan/wifey+5, sahak/wifey+5, Timah and son (daughter at sekolah asrama), Fahrul/wifey +3, Zali/wifey +2 and me/pakleh +4

Yang tak dtg: Echah, ita, chah, nurjan, sal, rosli, ati...

Zubir treated us with nasi biryani and satay..Pizza from timah and I prepared some goodie bags for the kids. Apart from the guys looking older and bigger (especially) at the waist lah..the girls (ewah perasan muda) still look like 20 years ago when we first board MAS flight to Adelaide..And alhamdullilah especially those owning thier own clinic and those in private are doing well (financially lah..) So girls and guys for the next few years hope we can have a yearly Reunion event..Those rich GP can be our main sponsors...:)

HAPPY ReUnion.


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