Research Update
- Lipid profile - Completed lipid profile for batch 10,9,8,4,3,1 week 10. Some samples lost found this morning. Sape le rajin sangat transfer samples orang ke tempat lain...2hari sakit jiwa mencari sample yang hilang, nasib baik tak kena frost bite. KIV to complete all samples once discuss with Adel
- R2 HDL - contacted Chia today - will try to get a bottle of R2 lese need to buy the whole lot...Duit dah lah nak abis
- Contacted W at G company regarding Hcy kit. Apa dah diorang ni..Ingat kita bola ping pong ke ? tolak sana sini. Contacted FWP from A company. She said the quotation has been faxed earlier...Sapa yang tak betolllll niiiiiii
- Regarding radio isotope Serine: Tak sampai sampai lagi..problem grant ...
- Cystationine has been found..Alhamdulillah
- BioRad protein assay reagent: Fridge kong..3 days ago. Hopefully reagent still OK
- Paper utk CEPP tak settle lagi..................arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Yesterday..despite some problems at lab managed to host a berbuka puasa...Abg, Kti, nan and the clans were there. I cooked nasi minyak, ayam masak merah, daging kicap, ayam goreng berempah and sayur nenas ala batu pahat...everything ok cuma satu je kurang...kurang sedap...nak kena belajo lagi supaya sedap cam chef buat..Enjoyed the gathering. Sembang sembang till around 10. Next year mungkin dah kat Kuantan...