Research update


Thursday: Just spoke to En. A

Chemicals for CBS activity yang dah ada: pyridoxal phosphate, D Serine, L homocysteine, Scintillation fluid, Scintillation vial with caps, Whatmann TLC plate.

CBS yg belum dapat: Cystathionine, C14 Serine

C14 dah order: En.A akan check dengan bendahari
Cystathionine: En. A akan tanya pada pembekal

Homocysteine determination: Apa dah company ni, org mintak quotation tak hantar hantar. camni bila nak abih???? Tadi En.A dah call Ms.W di supplier company. Perlu tunggu quotation sekarang

Nitric oxide: kena tanya En.A whether En. S dah hantar quotation.

This morning I called Prof.P dan inform him about my plan to continue study leave till June 2009 to write thesis. He said OK but I gave him the topic for seminar (second year student 09/10)


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