Accident does happen..when you least expect..
I had an accident today. No I didnt hit anyone. Its no body's fault. Probably mine..for not being paranoid as usual. I hit mak ngah's gate accidently...and it cost me..emm emm. Any way as muslim we accept untowards event like this with open heart....TQ hubby for being cool as usual. I wonder what will I say if its the other way around. Allah pls forgive me for whatever wrong doings I have done...Amin
Any way today I managed to send the immunohisto CD to Dr.F. Hope she ll find it OK so I can proceed with my findings and probably can present it next month at the jabatan. Up to today I still havent got my chemicals for the CBS activity as well as the homocysteine kit. Hope things get speedier after this. Cant wait to settle back in Kuantan...
Any way today I managed to send the immunohisto CD to Dr.F. Hope she ll find it OK so I can proceed with my findings and probably can present it next month at the jabatan. Up to today I still havent got my chemicals for the CBS activity as well as the homocysteine kit. Hope things get speedier after this. Cant wait to settle back in Kuantan...