Cuti sekolah...kuantan lagi

Apa nak buat...memandangkan harga petrol yang melambung naik..(ELEH...ALASAN JE TU) we have decided to cuti-cuti kat kuantan je. Not to any chalet but to our own house....yang belum didiami sepenuh nya. Yes our beloved house at Bkt.Istana Kuantan. This trip was accompanied by Opah..We eat out most of the time. managed to settle few things with Bindev and arrange for wiring and minor extension of the house. We went to Teluk Cempedak and the kids plus ayah enjoyed them selves.....yippee...Apart from feeling tired I really appreciate the break from KL.

Pantai Teluk Cempedak bersih. Rezeki anak anak, ombak tak kuat, so they get the chance paly in the water.

We went to east Coast mall, the new shopping centre in Kuantan. The place was huge for Kuantan level and the shops were many but I dont know how are they going to sell all those branded items. 'Crocs' shoes costing more than RM100 per pairs even for kids...I dont know..probably orang-orang berduit from Trengganu and Kelantan like to shop here....Hopefully bertambahnya shopping centres plus all the entertainment outlet will not add to moral decay already sprouting out here and there...since the shopping mall is situated just beside a low cost housing area. Hope the kids and adults too there are occupied with lots of healthy activities...

But there is one thing that sadden me. Some of the food outlets (famous fast food outlet) were not clean even in the ECM we can see floor littered with leftovers..Hope the management can do something about it as it doesnt go well with the glossy image of ECM

Other wise we enjoyed our trip there and to those who go to Kuantan dont forget to drop by at Restoran Zaman at batu 10. They serve nice and varieties of food for breakfast and lunch too...


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