Cup cakes

My two sisters are expert in cooking, and cake making. I too am interested, but mostly in tasting the cakes. However I tried to make some for the kids last week, and the results ...wallla....Even though it was from the box but still I was the one who baked it...yum yum.


Anonymous said…
Wow! sedapnya kek cekelat, paslah kat sini satu, nak rasa.
Anonymous said…
I am Zarina. I was googling about Tadika Rasyad and your entry popped up. Really appreciate your feedback about the tadika,teachers and environment. Me and my husband plan to send our daughter to playschool/kindy next year.

Tq n wassalam.

NBK said…
Salam, Zarina, my summary about T rasyad

1. Very dedicated teachers
2. Good syllabus - advanced especially in math

1. Some kids found these teacher a bit 'garang'. My son would straight away did his homework after coming from school. In a way I think its good. But how far do you want to push your kid. I think at this stage they should enjoy their session and not burdened by loads of homework

2. Classroom a bit cramp. I would prefer his current school in term of space as the kid can move about freely.

Maybe you should give a try and see your daughter's progress. She may be that one tough girl that can benefit from this school..

Good luck

NBK said…
K Da

Sorry tak sempat pas kek cekelat sebab laku sangat...Consumed within 48 hours. Siap share ngan member kat sekolah lagi...

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