Trip to Medan

Hari sabtu dan ahad adalah masa paling sesuai untuk 'melepak', melonggarkan urat urat yang dah seminggu 'bersimpul' tapi nampaknya aku tak de 'pilihan' kerana Dr.Mat (as his friends call him) dah ada perancangan. Aku tabik spring dengan hubby, tak penat-penat dengan 'NGO'nya.

I was not interested at first but after suboh he rushed us...'we are going to Kg. Medan today'. I was not prepare, only the night before we went to Kg. Medan that he told me what I have to do. I thought it was just a ceremony to give something to the needy at Kg. Medan..So on Saturday, me, Sarah, Munirah and Muneer obediently followed ayah to Kg. Medan. We went to the temporary office of the new YB. There were few peoples there already. They brought out packets of rice, oils and sugars to be distributed. By 11 am we were at the Kg.Medan mosque. We divided our selves to 2 groups. My self and hubby, and few others in our group, while the other team went to Kg. dato Harun. We managed to go to 5 houses. They were families with OKU, bed ridden or poor family. I did medical check up for the ladies while ayah attended the men. Alhamdullilah my kids did not complain despite the tiring schedule. I think this was a good way to introduce them to the more unfortunates people and not just be selfish and selfcentred. They met kak Zura, a handicapped girl, siti, a helpless girl in her 20's who was smaller than a kindergarten kid, a poor widow who sold aiskrim malaysia and drinks for living. At the end of the day we were tired but I was happy with what we have done. Though we manage to see only few unfortunate people, in the process of helping them we actually helped ourself to really appreciate what Allah has given us in this short life of ours. I surely will join ayah for his next trip.....


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