Thursday, March 20, 2008

maid gone...Going mad?

'buk etik mintak maaf, sebab etik tak boleh kerja lagi ama anak etik dikarnakan dia belum sembuh, dia tak mau ditinggalkan lagi', sms from an ex-maid. Suddenly lightning strike, the sky turned dark, a gush of winds storms into house, everything was flying, turned up side down....ahhhh......tsk tsk tsk...Luckily it was just a night mare. everything in the house was in place. The kids were still joking around, ayah was sitting on the lazy chair, and what was i doing??? day dreaming may be. Suddenly i stood up. went to the room, packed all the maid clothes into 3 garbage bags, banyaknye koleksi dia. Put in store. Rearrange the room. swept it clean. I have extra room down stairs. POSITIVE stay 'alive and well' must think positive. Ita has no maid, never. She is a manager at Telekom, 3 kids, one coming soon, cant drive, yet manage to do master and succes in career. She sis positive. Tina also has no maid, succesful executive at post malaysia, 5 kids, the eldest top at school with 15 A's at UPSR and UPSRI. Ogy also no maid..but she is a teacher. senang skit kot....So stop whining. Try and get new one..Do what u can and study.

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