Update research
5th December 2007
1. primary antibody diluted: 1/50 ( add 10 ul antibody + 490 ul antibody diluent). Then 100ul taken and added to 400 ul antibody diluent= 1/500 dilution. Both kept in fridge together with antibody diluent and primary antibody
2. DAB and substrate not yet diluted. Will prepare fresh
3. For dewaxing: Xylene, alcohol 100%-50 % all prepared in bottles and in place.
4. Hematoxylin - set
5. DPX - set
6. Antigen retrieval solution - in fridge can reuse 10 x
7. Belly dancer: set
8. Hot plate : set
9. Gauze: set
10. Water bath: Gila betul water bath kat sini. Ada 3 water bath satu pun tak leh guna. Dari pukul 11.10 aku try increase temperature tak naik-naik sampai petang. Bila dah naik every 30 second kena click manually. Bila dah bukak , nak bubuh specimen temperature drop to 80's.....apa da. camne nak dapat temperature yg stabil nih. Last last aku yang menggelegak. Tak pe dah inform kak miah and kiv tumpang water bath biochem...tumpang lagi. So sangkut lak projek yang dah bermain di minada berminggu-minggu ni.
Parameter lain:
1. Homocisteine kit tak dapat quotation lagi...Aduh lamanya
2. Cystathionine beta synthase - nak buat yang mana satu pun tak tau lagi. Method panjang berjela. lagi baca lagi pening.
Presentation: Very soon kena present kat supervisor. Baik prepare dari sekarang. result dah ada cuma nak put together
Thesis writing: Chapter 1 and 2 ok dah cuma nak tambah sikit-sikit lagi je. Tulis panjang berjela pun buat examiner pening wat pe..Chapter 3 60 % dah) . Results dah ada cuma nak touch up. Discussion and conclusion.
Journal review: on going
HOPEFULLY...by end next year boleh balik Kuantan...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Allah thank you for everything.......
1. primary antibody diluted: 1/50 ( add 10 ul antibody + 490 ul antibody diluent). Then 100ul taken and added to 400 ul antibody diluent= 1/500 dilution. Both kept in fridge together with antibody diluent and primary antibody
2. DAB and substrate not yet diluted. Will prepare fresh
3. For dewaxing: Xylene, alcohol 100%-50 % all prepared in bottles and in place.
4. Hematoxylin - set
5. DPX - set
6. Antigen retrieval solution - in fridge can reuse 10 x
7. Belly dancer: set
8. Hot plate : set
9. Gauze: set
10. Water bath: Gila betul water bath kat sini. Ada 3 water bath satu pun tak leh guna. Dari pukul 11.10 aku try increase temperature tak naik-naik sampai petang. Bila dah naik every 30 second kena click manually. Bila dah bukak , nak bubuh specimen temperature drop to 80's.....apa da. camne nak dapat temperature yg stabil nih. Last last aku yang menggelegak. Tak pe dah inform kak miah and kiv tumpang water bath biochem...tumpang lagi. So sangkut lak projek yang dah bermain di minada berminggu-minggu ni.
Parameter lain:
1. Homocisteine kit tak dapat quotation lagi...Aduh lamanya
2. Cystathionine beta synthase - nak buat yang mana satu pun tak tau lagi. Method panjang berjela. lagi baca lagi pening.
Presentation: Very soon kena present kat supervisor. Baik prepare dari sekarang. result dah ada cuma nak put together
Thesis writing: Chapter 1 and 2 ok dah cuma nak tambah sikit-sikit lagi je. Tulis panjang berjela pun buat examiner pening wat pe..Chapter 3 60 % dah) . Results dah ada cuma nak touch up. Discussion and conclusion.
Journal review: on going
HOPEFULLY...by end next year boleh balik Kuantan...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Allah thank you for everything.......