
Friday 7th. Dec 2007

Today is the first day I stain my slides. What I did today
  1. 5 slides all together - diltion: 1/50, 1/250, 1/500, one slide with Hx alone, one slide with secondary alone
  2. Water bath - It took 15 minutes to increase 10 0 C.
  3. Dewaxing - Hot plate 60 0 C - 15 minutes
  4. Rehydration - Xylene 2x, Alcohol 100 % 2x, 90 % , 80%, 70%. 50 % not used.
  5. Antigen retrieval solution in jar - heated earlier
  6. Slides put into jar - temperature drop a bit when the cover was lifted up. Tempertaure pick up above 95 0 C in about 10 minutes. Slides in ARS for 30 minutes
  7. Cooling down - 30 minutes
  8. TBS - Shaker 3 min x 2
  9. H2O2 - 10 minutes
  10. TBS shaker 3 min x2
  11. Primary AB - 1 hour
  12. TBS Shaker 3 min x2
  13. Secondary antibody - 30 minutes
  14. TBS shaker 3 min x2
  15. Chromogen DAB 10 minutes
  16. TBS Shaker 3 min x2
  17. wash with DH2O
  18. Hematoxylin 30 s..drip only at sink
  19. wash with running water
  20. Dehydrate - 70-80-90-100-100-xylene-xylene
  21. wipe dry
  22. DPX
  23. dry

Monday baru boleh angkat


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